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    News — Opening Hours



    This is the month of Spring into Sunday Time Changes!

    We are delighted to let you know that we
    changing our days and times of opening.
    Thursday to Saturday

    Our Opening Hours Have Changed!

    It's March - so we are thinking...
    The month of Spring - Spring Cleaning and most importantly Mother's Day!

    So let's get a Spring in our step with 3 top tips for Spring Cleaning!

    We all know that you would love to know those top 6 cleaning tips so your home is in tip top Spring Clean ship shape condition for when your Mum comes around for Sunday lunch or indeed you might be taken out for lunch!


    Spring Cleaning Top Tips

    1) Cleaning those windows. To start, dip your sponge into a bucket

    of warm water and a few drops of mild washing up liquid. Wet your window; rub dirt away. Dampen squeegee; starting at an upper corner, draw it down pane from top to bottom. Repeat, overlapping strokes and wiping rubber edge with sponge after each stroke.

    2) Once or twice a year, you might find the need to clean your wooden or metal blinds. Here is how! Wipe wooden blinds with a few drops of gentle wood cleaner on a nearly dry sponge. Metal or Aluminum blinds can be washed outdoors: Place them on an old sheet on a slanted surface, and scrub with water and a noncorrosive cleaner. Use a hose to rinse well, and then dry the blinds really, really dry with a towel to prevent rust.

    3) Now this is a good one - You should replace the batteries in your smoke detectors every six months. Use the day you set your clocks back as a reminder, and this will be a good reminder and you will be happier too! Change the batteries again in spring, when you set your clocks ahead.

    Mothers Day

    What does your mum mean to  you?


    Mothering Sunday 

    Having read and read a lot on this, I can only come to the simple conclusion, that there is a lot of evidence of historical and religious reasons why we celebrate Mothering Sunday.

    Mother's Day, or Mothering Sunday, is to me, quite simply a day to show our love, gratitude, thanks and appreciation to our wonderful, kind, generous, wonderful mums everywhere, if we are lucky enough to have one, through our acts of kindness. However we can, as simple as they are, be it a telephone call, a visit, a cup of tea, a kiss, a hand hold, a bunch of flowers or something which is so precious, TIME...

    Mother's Day both have different origins; although they represent the same meaning, they originated very differently. We all celebrate the day but very few people actually know its origin. The original meaning of Mothering Sunday and Mother's Day can seem a little lost in these days of commercial present pushing by the media, so why not give the simplest gift of all, your time, a hug, a kiss, a chat - I know that is what I would LOVE THE MOST...x

    If you would like to read a more factual article, then this is an interesting article from The Daily Telegraph "The true origins of Mothering Sunday"

    Enjoy your month of time changing with us this March.

    We look forward to seeing you here in our Vintage Boutique, our Vintage Workshop and our Courtyard...
    Lots of Lovingly Made Love,
    John & Trixie - and Charlie of course, our meet and greet dog and best friend...