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    News — Lovingly Made News



    We are simply thrilled to have Donna join us here at Lovingly Made Craft School!

    Joining us each 'term-time' Tuesday's 9.30/12.00 - we are all in for a treat!  Donna of "Donna Rule Design" will be helping you with your creating, making and learning lovely new craft skills.  

    An incredibly accomplished Textile Artist and she says about herself:

    "I am a designer maker and have been sewing and making all my life. I love creating beautiful things out of fabric, sewing and embroidery"...

    Donna Rule Design - here at Lovingly Made Craft School

    Drop your children off at school, grab your 'create-make-learn' project and come and join us, term time Tuesday's 9.30/12.00

    Great coffee, great cake/pastries and great company.

    Starting Tuesday 2nd February 2016 at 9.30, look forward to seeing you soon.

    Pop over to our Craft School page for more details about Donna's new craft class and you can always book ahead, so your place is confirmed.

    Best wishes



    LOTS OF HENS IN THE CRAFT SCHOOL! and a lovely Bride to be...

    Congratulations to Karen!

    Welcome to the girls..

    What a wonderful start to the New Year with a fabulous happy Bride to be, with her 'hens' all gathered around her, making fabric bunting for her Wedding day.  Liz, our incredibly talented tutor gathered all the girls together and began to show the girls how to make the special Wedding bunting. Each triangle had a special coin dropped into it, a very special memory moment.  Two wonderful girls began sewing with their sewing machines, some of the girls cutting out triangular shapes, and some of the girls had ironing to do but what they all had was lots and lots of fun! 

    Bunting being made!

    Bunting being made...

    Karen and her hen party all had a wonderful day with us, sewing and bunting, pastries and coffee, lunch and lifts back to their Hotel in Felbridge.  A completely wonderful day with hand made and hand sewn bunting ready for Karen's wedding day. 

     The Bride and hens with their finished bunting...

    The finished bunting ready for Karen's wedding day!  Congratulations all round girls! Thanks to Liz our wonderful tutor, who was such an integral part of their success, thank you...x

    Hope to see your Wedding photographs very soon Karen!

    Best wishes,
    Trixie, John and Charlie


    1/1/16 - A NEW YEAR - A LICK OF PAINT

    A new year brings many changes here at Lovingly Made and our Vintage Boutique needed a New Year lick of paint!  Great idea we thought and after what seemed an absolute age of days packing up the furniture, treasures, china, glass and packing away all our other stock items, we were set to get painting!

    Packing up our Vintage Boutique!   Starting to pack a few things away...

    Alas, the human body would say other things!  John pulled all his lower back muscles and I fell very poorly with flu! A-ha - being married for nearly 30 years has its benefits.  It doesn't matter if you look terrible with a red nose and hair pulled back and paint everywhere! Between us, we have however, managed to clear the carpet, paint all the walls with two coats of paint and repainted the floor with two coats of rather lovely grey paint.  

    Charlie looking on in the Vintage Boutique - www.lovinglymadeltd.co.uk

    Charlie looking on...

    Then the weather decided to get involved, and we are now trapped between dry and incredibly wet spells!  More rain than we bargained for!  So, we have now to be patient for nature to be kind, and allow us a little window to return our glorious goodies back to their new places.

    It has however allowed to strategise a few thoughts and decide what goes where, and how we now use our buildings to their best abilities.  As well as having a plan to give the Craft School 'A lick of paint' in the Spring!  Yes, we are completely bonkers.  It is important to us that Lovingly Made Vintage Boutique is loved by us and you and that means keeping it lovely for you to enjoy visiting and enjoy making and creating in our Craft School.

    So, we are nearly there.  A New Year lick of paint has been painted, and a lovely newly look awaits the Vintage Boutique.  Pop by, and hopefully by the weekend, we should be ready to go, go, go!  Lots of exciting events planned, lovely new classes and fabulous offers await you!

    Happy New Year - wishing you good health and happiness for 2016
    Best wishes,
    Trixie, John and Charlie of course - because he really helped with the painting!




    Lovingly Made Vintage Boutique - www.lovinglymadeltd.co.uk

    An amazing year! Where has the time gone? The year seems to have flown past! Lots of changes here at Lovingly Made.

    We sadly had to say goodbye to our beloved Greenhouse, which was beautiful but beyond repair.  We really tried to save her, yes she was a girl greenhouse!  So sadly, we had to demolish her.  

    The polytunnel had a facelift with a new covering and new lighting, which was a fabulous job done.  We would never have managed either without my Dad and John.  Working all hours on both projects and clearing up and recycling as much as we could.

    The Craft School had new curtains made, by my mum and they look fabulous. Small little tweaks here and there continue to make it a wonderful Hobby Hub and our classes go strength to strength.  We hope to bring new classes, floristry, furniture painting and some new sewing classes too.  Watch this space!

    During the Christmas Break, John and I are refurbishing the main Vintage Boutique.  I cannot believe where 5 years have gone.  The walls and floor are due for a new lick of paint.  We have started moving all our furniture and wonderful treasures.  A mammoth task, but one which are funnily enough looking forward to.  

    An amazing year, amazing customers! Yes YOU!  Without you, there wouldn't be a Lovingly Made.  You are what make it so special.  We thank you so much for all your support, friendship and affection. 

    Thank you from all of us here at Lovingly Made - www.lovinglymadeltd.co.uk

    Merry Christmas, Happy New Year!
    Best wishes, lots of Christmas love,



    Late Night Christmas Shopping - www.lovinglymadeltd.co.uk

    This is will now be our third and last late night shopping evening and we have had some fun and some awful weather to coincide too!  The weather has been wintery, but our customers, friends and family have been warm, happy and delighted with not only their purchases but also the hot Chocolate and a glass of fizz or two!

    We have had some great unique finds from France, Belgium and here in Britain, to entice you to buy something quite lovely from us, super ideas that certainly won't be available on your local High Street.  

    We really have tried to source unusual, lovely curios and treasures to feel the true meaning of Christmas.  From beautiful French candlesticks, gorgeous candles, luxury soaps, rustic hanging decorations, up-cycled drift wood wreaths and heart shapes to handmade wooden signs and boxes.  


    Christmas Late Night Shopping - www.lovinglymadeltd.co.uk

    I have also tried to make a few Christmas Decorations myself for our Boutique and they have been really successful too. I am hoping to really get this concept of making and creating into our Vintage Boutique with the help of our Hobby Club Ladies who come to see us each week in our Craft School.  I feel a Spring Craft Sale coming on...

    Thank you to you all for coming to see us, we hope you enjoyed your homemade Mince Pie from our local and fantastically talented Bakers here in Forest Row, Sussex.

    Thank you to Lesley, who is just a super star beyond super stars and an incredibly dear friend too.

    Thank you to John, whom without, the evenings would not have been possible without his organisational skills and all his incredibly hard work.

    Merry Christmas everyone, and we wish you all, happiness, good health and good fortune for 2016.

    Love and best wishes,

    Trixie x